Triptych is an art and lifestyle magazine designed and issued monthly by Giada Holland, Maria Gomes and Olivia Boileau.

We aim to create an environment where people feel free and inspired to respond to a monthly theme and share a space. 

We use elements such as music playing as you view, content tags and short, chill reviews of books, music, films, places and exhibitions to invite users to a more immersive experience.

All while keeping things comfortable and free from any pressure, creating an open space.

Each month a basis of features are included by each member of the team such as:

Gaze Craze Faze - A spread including small reviews on any experience (exhibition, film, music, park, cafe, book).

Mood Board - A collage spread including pictures from our past month for the issue.

Work Entry - An optional entry of any work created towards the theme.

Filler - Any photos we would like to inlcude that we feel relate to the theme and help break up the works.

Gaze Craze Faze

Issue 1: 

Issue 2:

Issue 3:

Mood Board

Issue 1:

Issue 2:

Issue 3:

Work Entry 

Issue 1:

Issue 2:

Issue 3:


Issue 1:

Issue 2:

Issue 3:

art & lifestyle magazine
Graphic design: Giada Holland, Maria Gomes, Olivia Boileau
Website design: Giada Holland
